Vanessa's Senior Portfolio

Closing Report

        My internship was a long one, as it took place over almost a year. I found it really hard to write journals after every week, just because there were so many of them. So after looking at my many journals, some of which were really short, I decided to consolidate them into main events. Many of the journals were repeats, as we repeated the same process over and over with each individual applicant, of which we had many.

        I learned a lot over the course of this internship, much of which will help me in any working environment I someday find myself in. One obstacle we faced was learning to work together as a team and honoring each other’s opinions, no matter how much we disagreed. The working together as a team obstacle was easy to overcome; we did some bonding exercises and grew closer as time passes, however, the other obstacle was not as easy to overcome. Never the less, we did overcome it. We started the process by establishing rules, not to interrupt, not to be judgmental and try to see where the other person was coming from, etc. Because we all agreed on these rules, we all abided by them; there was no one upset by the rules and that refused to follow them.

        One of my favorite experiences during this internship was the site visits that we did at the end of July and the beginning of August. I really enjoyed these because it really gave me a chance to closely bond with the other Search Committee members going on the visit. One of my visits required an airplane flight and boy was that an experience! I was traveling with another lady, in her 70’s, and she could not walk very well. She was very smart and thought ahead and asked for a wheelchair to be waiting for her at each gate, as we had a few transfers. It was very lucky that she did this, as we almost missed one of our connections and would have never found it without the wheelchair guy. It was a very exciting trip!

        I was very to get this internship. Not only did I spend lots of time with people that I really like, but I learned a ton about Human Resources as well. I had to stay very organized during the interview process, as I was handling resumes, cover letters, answers to questions, and profiles. If I was not organized, all of the materials for all of the applicants would mix together and it would be a whole mess to sort out. I also had to be very timely and appropriate, as we were running interviews and did not want to give off a bad impression.

        This internship was pretty much what I thought it would be from the beginning; except for the amount of time I spent on it (almost 200 hours!) and how close I got to the other committee members. The Church Profile was also something unexpected, as I was not anticipating writing a section. However, I really enjoyed both what we had to do and the people. I am really glad that I chose this as my internship, and I am glad that I was able to make a difference in my church community.